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Muppet Monster Adventure

Boo, get off the stage!

Zachary Haumesser (9-9-2001) - In my opinion, Jim Henson Interactive has done a fantastic job with Muppet Monster Adventure. It's full of colorful levels, Muppets and monsters. Muppet Monster Adventure features Robin the Frog, a Muppet character who is not in the spotlight anymore, but now has his own video game with original voices by the Muppeteers themselves.

Order your copy of Muppet Monster Adventure for the Sony PlayStation.

Pepe is a highlight of this game and says many funny things along with helpful hints in which he helps Robin on his journey to save his uncle Kermit and many more loveable Muppet characters including Miss Piggy, Gonzo the Great, Fozzie Bear and Clifford along with Kermit, all of which have been turned in to monstrous Monsters. There are also appearances of Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Beaker, Rizzo the Rat, and the Swedish Chef.

The music in this game is great and even has a new song sung by Robin and some very hungry monsters! It also includes a re-mix of The Muppet Show theme. From collecting the many Muppet pickups like coins to opening up the Muppet Monster Gallery there is plenty to achieve in this game. The gallery is full of production art from the game, video clips, Muppet Movie screen shots, out takes, and real fan art of Muppet monsters from the Muppets to Sesame Street and even one from Fraggle Rock.

There are also many mini-games and puzzles all throughout the game. One of the best features of this game is that Robin can obtain the power to morph into five different monsters with different abilities like Fozzie Bear's Wocka Wocka Werebear tree climbing ability to Gonzo's Nosefreatu bat-like gliding ability and Miss Piggy karate chop! You can even swim and push and pull objects. The six worlds of adventure are very large and colorful full of spooky Muppet-like enemies including Skeletons, Werewolfs, Pirates, Knights and Witches, all in which are all out to get Robin.

I give this game a 5 out of 5 because it's a great Muppet filled adventure! The only thing that I think is wrong with the game is that it should have had a few more characters, but other than that I suggest that you grab your flashlights and beware, because the Muppets are not their useable loveable selves in this game!

Tips and Tricks

Collecting Items - Muppet Monster Adventure has a lot of items that need to be collected to fully complete this game. Many of the different items are hidden in secret spots. To find some of these spots you must defeat every enemy possible to get the colored stars.

Then you must go back to that same level and defeat every enemy again to get a gold coin which allows you to access the gallery. The more coins you acquire the more you will see in the gallery, which is full of Muppet Movie screen shots, Muppet Monster Movie clips, fan and game artwork, and also the tips to show you where hidden items are. It will show Robin in game mode at a certain level you may or may not have played yet and will show you how to get to a certain item that is not visible on the screen.

Get Everything - Another tip would be to look all over the levels and get as much stuff as you can before leaving. Kill every enemy, pick up every star you can find, shoot all the switches and complete every bonus game that Pepe will tell you about. Pepe will give you helpful hints as well.

Level Tips - Here are some tips from certain levels that are hard to find without the help of coin collecting.

The Temple of Pork - In the beginning of this level, right when you go up the first set of stairs, there are two flames of fire on each side of the staircase, and behind you is a small alcove too high for Robin to jump on. So hopefully you have at least one heart of energy left, because you need to complete this.

On the left side of the fire (closest to the alcove full of items), jump or bat glide on top of the fire (of course Robin's bottom will be toasted), but if you have one or more hearts of life left you won't die). After you jump on the fire and then have your bottom burned, Robin will have jumped higher because of this. So be ready to glide Robin with the Gonzo bat power to the top of the alcove and you will be awarded with an extra life, some stars, and even a heart to fill your last hit, then just jump down. Unfortunately here is no other way to do this.

Grave Matters - There will be an area later in the level with a series of switches, in which one switch will raise a grave in order for you to get to another switch, this happens three times in order to open a door to leave that area. On the right side of you during this is an old church like building, with stain glass windows. On the last switch when you jump on the raised grave behind you to the right, there is another tomb stone grave with a bat symbol on it. Jump from the raised grave onto the bat symbol (it may take you a few times, but beware of the live tombstone that comes after you). Then once on top of the grave facing the stain glass window jump up and glide in to the window. You will fly right through it. Once inside, keep going straight and collect the items inside, and then exit out the way you came in.

Hike of the Hunted - During one part of this level you will climb up a tree and go through a long tree tunnel to a large area. In this area to the right of you is a small creek of shallow water coming from a little waterfall. On the wall you just came out of, walk into the water and right into the little waterfall. Then jump up as soon as you hit the waterfall's wall and you will then be in a small cave behind the waterfall with items inside. As always leave the way you came in.


All morphs:
Press Circle, R2, Circle, Left, Right, R2, Up, Down, Circle, R2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

99 lives:
Press Up (twice), Down, Left, Right, Square, Up, Left, Right, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Ballistic chicken weapon:
Press Square (twice), Circle, Square, Circle (twice), Square(twice), Circle, Square at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

+1000 Pickups:
Press Square, R2, Circle, Left, Up, Down, Right, Square, L2, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

+10 Muppet Tokens:
Press Left, Up, Down, Right, Square, R2, Circle, Square, L2, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited sub-game time:
Press Down, L2, R2 (twice), Up, L1 (twice), R1, Down, Up at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Unlock all gallery items:
Press Square, Left, Circle, Right, Down, Up, Square, Down, Circle, Down at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Unlock all levels:
Press Up (twice), Square, Down (twice), Circle, Left, Square, Right, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Level select from main menu:
Press R2 (4 times), R1, L1 (3 times), R1, R2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle invincibility:
Press L2, R2, R1, L1, R2, L2, R2, R1, L1, R2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle debug information:
Press Up, Right, R2, Square, Left, R1, Left, Up, Left, L2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Tunnel soak/consecutive level load:
Press L2, L1 (twice), R1, R2 (3 times), Square, Left, Up at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle fly cam:
Press Square, Left, R2, Up, R1, L2, R1, Up, R2, Up at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Easy Muppet coins:
The Muppet coins will reappear in previous levels in the same locations. Simply defeat the previously beaten opponent to spawn the coin again.

Alternate ending sequence:
Get a 100% game completion.


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Fan site Muppet Central created by Phillip Chapman. Updates by Muppet Central Staff. All Muppets, Bear
characters are copyright of The Muppets Studio. Sesame Street characters are copyright of Sesame Workshop.
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Muppet Central is hosted by KnownHost.

Muppet Central exists to unite fans of the Muppets around the world.
Site debuted on January 28, 1998.