and Puppets
Muppet Collectibles

H. Wilkins Company (1958)
In 1957 Jim
and Jane Henson started to make commercials, starting with advertisements
for Wilkins Coffee. The pair would eventually make over 300 commercials,
just for Wilkins Coffee alone! The commercials were incredibly short and
direct to the point, with each one being approximately only seven seconds
and Wontkins Puppets
was the protagonist, and displayed a lot of the traits which would later
evolve into Kermit. Wontkins was a gruff voiced and cantankerous character
who refused to drink Wilkins Coffee; as a direct result, all manner of
catastrophes befell him. The characters and concept were so popular that
they hawked products in other major TV markets as well.
Wilkins Coffee had a promotion asking the consumer to "Send in $1.00
and a label to receive a pair of Wilkins and Wontkins puppets". And
here they are, the first Muppet collectibles. They are approximately 7-8
inches tall.

The original
Rowlf puppet is fantastic and resembles the
1978 Rowlf puppet in many ways. However, the eyes on Rowlf are made
out of two layers of plastic, the first being the white, the second thicker
layer being his black pupil. Like the Fisher-Price, you put your hand
in Rowlf's head to make him speak. Unlike the Fisher-Price, the Ideal
version has a bright red tongue (not sewed down in his mouth). The Ideal
Rowlf also has a neat tail, unlike the Fisher-Price.
Kermit Puppet
The Ideal
Kermit is roughly the same length as the Ideal Rowlf, approximately 20
inches. His legs, arms, and head are made of a green plush material and
his body is red felt. During much of the sixties Kermit wore a red sweater
before he got his collar and became a frog in 1969. His mouth is felt
also. At the back of Kermit, a metal rod sticks out which inside splits
into two metal rods and goes down each arm. The metal rod at the back
allows you to control the arms while you are working the head. He has
no collar or pointed flippers, as you can see from the photo, but Kermit
was not yet "officially" a frog when this doll was released
in 1965.
this picture taken during the filming of an Ideal commercial, you will
also see the third Ideal doll, the Snerf. He was a Muppet monster who's
neck would often move up and down. He is a precursor to the Muppet Snerfs
who would have horns on their faces more than 10 years later during the
run of "The Muppet Show". It is likely this doll was just a
prototype and never commercially available.
Ideal Box
The same
box was used for Rowlf and Kermit, except for the round white "my name
is" sticker on the front.
back to Muppet Collectibles.

compiled by
Phillip Chapman
Contributions from
Michael Dixon (Ideal Kermit)
and Galen Fott (Ideal Box)